Saturday 27 October 2012

Raja Hira Singh Dogra (1816-1844)

Raja Hira Singh Dogra (1816-1844)
Prime Minister of the Sikh Kingdom.

Prime Minister of the Sikh kingdom of Lahore from 17 September 1843 to 21 December 1844, was born the eldest son of Raja Dhian Singh in 1816 at Ramgarh, about 25 km from Jammu. Maharaja Sher Singh of Punjab and Raja Dhian Singh were assassinated by the Sindhanwalia Sardars Ajit Singh and Lehna Singh and their followers, Dhian. Raja Hira Singh appealed to the army to avenge their deaths: this was carried out at once by attacking and exterminating the Sandhanwalias in Lahore Fort.
The young Raja Hira Singh brought the head of his father's murderer to the mother, a noble Rajputni dame, who was waiting by her husband's body. Placing his father's warrior plume on the son's turban, she said: "My mind is now at perfect peace. Let the funeral be prepared, and I will follow my Lord in his journey to the next world. When I see your father, I will tell him that you
acted as a brave and dutiful son".

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